Ranger Class



  • Be a teenager 13 years of age, and/or in Grade 8 or its equivalent.

  • Memorize and understand the Adventist Youth Aim and Motto.

  • Be an active member of the Pathfinder Club.

  • Select and read three books of your choice from the teen Book Club List.

Spiritual Discovery

  1. Discover in group discussion:

    1. What Christianity is.

    2. What are the marks of a true disciple?

    3. The forces involved in becoming a Christian.

  2. Participate in a Bible marking program on the inspiration of the Bible.

  3. Enroll at least three people in a Bible Correspondence Course.

  4. Have a current Memory Gem Certificate.


  1. Complete the Christian Citizenship Honor if not previously done.

 Community Outreach

  1. Under the direction of your leader, participate at least once, in two different types of outreach programs.

  2. With the help of a friend, spend a full day (at least 8 hours) working on a project for your church, school, or community.


  1. Conduct two Bible studies with non-Seventh-day Adventists.

 Friendship Development

  1. In group discussion and by personal inquiry examine your attitudes to two of the following topics:

    1. Self-Confidence. c. The Social Graces.

    2. Friendship. d. Will Power.


  1. Role play the story of the Good Samaritan, and think of ways to serve 3 neighbors, and then do so.

 Health and Fitness

  1. Participate in one of the following:

    1. Discuss the principles of physical fitness. Provide an outline of your daily exercise program. Write out and sign a personal pledge of commitment to a regular exercise program.

    2. Discuss the natural advantages of living the Adventist Christian lifestyle in accordance with Biblical principles.


  1. Participate in one of the following activities:

    1. Hike 15km and keep a log. d. Cycle 80 km.

    2. Ride a horse 15 km. e. Swim 1 km.

    3. Go on a one day canoe trip.

  2. Discuss the concept, types and purpose of dating.

 Organization and Leadership Development

  1. Attend at least one church business meeting. Prepare a brief report for discussion in your group.

  2. With your group make plans for a social activity at least once a quarter.


  1. Complete requirements 3 and 6 of the Drilling and Marching Honor if not previously done.

 Nature Study

  1. Review the story of the flood and study at least 3 different fossils; explain their origin and relate them to breaking God's Law.

  2. Complete a Nature Honor not previously earned.


  1. Be able to identify through photographs, sketches, pictures or real life, one of the following categories: 25 tree leaves; 25 rocks and minerals; 25 wild flowers; 25 butterflies and moths; 25 shells.

 Outdoor Living

  1. Build and demonstrate the use of a reflector oven by cooking something.

  2. Participate in a two night camp out. Be able to pack a pack or ruck sack, include personal gear and food sufficient for your participation in a two night camp out.

  3. Pass a test in Ranger First Aid.


  1. Complete the Orienteering Honor.

  2. Be able to light a fire on a rainy day or in the snow. Know where to get the dry material to keep it going. Demonstrate ability to properly tighten and replace an axe handle.

  3. Complete one of the following requirements:

    • Know on sight, prepare and eat ten varieties of wild plant foods.

    • Be able to read and receive 35 letter a minute by semaphoric code.

    • Send and receive 15 letters a minute by wigwag, using the international code.

    • Be able to send and receive Matthew 24 in sign language for the deaf.

    • Take part in a simple emergency search and rescue operation using 2-way radios.

Lifestyle Enrichment

  1. Complete one Honor in Outreach Ministry, Vocational, or Outdoor Industries not previously earned.


  1. Complete one Honor in Recreation or Arts and Crafts not previously earned.

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