SEC Rovers

Let me Introduce to you 'ROVERS' for 16 - 19 Years Old'. The Rover is an exploring vehicle, used by space explorers to venture worlds undreamed of, while forging legacies of their own. You are 'Rovers' at the start of your life to become what God wants you to be. And we want to inspire you to do that.
If you are 16-19 years and still love the Pathfinder vibe. If you are a Junior Counsellor, Counsellor, TLT, or if you want a challenge and prepare for life skills, make a difference in your life and community, then this innovation is for you.
We have 3 focus actions we hope you will be part of. We'll get together only 3 times a year. On a Sunday, Perhaps a Weekend, and Evenings Planned for you at this Year's SEC Camporee.
Life Skills
To challenge and to help you remain confident as you embark on your exciting life journey. Not a lot of fuss or mundane or the usual.
Outdoor Skills, Challenges and Chill
The real fun bit which will happen at our Camporee:
Community Project
Making a real difference in the community (not litter picking), but leaving a legacy and a lasting footprint of a young Christian who made a difference, then a proper and real social action project in a community is what you want to look forward to!
At the moment we are looking to have this project in the Autumn either September/October.
We are even considering to do a project abroad
Complete the Application form 2025 - coming soon
Every Participating Rover will be awarded with a Certificate and official Achievement Statement to add to their CV or Personal Statement on University Applications.
Any questions, reach out at