Club Ministry Training

Club Ministries Training (CMT) is a curriculum framework that provides in-depth training for club staff in specific roles.
The certifications are designed to be completed within one year, and are meant to equip leaders of all varieties for the ministries in which they serve.
They are opportunities for individuals to learn more about being an effective Director, Counselor, Instructor, Secretary.
Certifications are earned by attending workshops, working with a mentor, doing fieldwork, and preparing a documentation Portfolio.
CMT certifications are intended for all members of a team. Each NEW club staff member is required to attend the training. To come up to speed with the training standards, current staff are highly recommended to also attend, unless a compulsory expectation is made known by your Area Coordinator.
It is highly recommended that each registrant attend a refresher course every 3 years, especially in cases of inactivity in the ministry.
The following courses have been developed and designed for you:
Training for a particular course is an 8-hour module, which will be held over 2 Sundays of 4 hours each.
For Overviews of the Workshops and Modules go to secpathfinders/cmt.
How do I Register
1. Decide which Course you are eligible for.
2. Read an overview of the Course at
3. Complete the registration form as soon as you are able.
4. Pay the fee for the Training at
Annual Enrolment
1. Be at least 16 years old
2. Be a member of the Adventurer/Pathfinder Ministry
3. You must be a serving officer in the role you are registering for. A written confirmation from your Local church board is required.
4. Have completed all units of the CMT Basic Staff Training (In the Last 3 Years) and be in receipt of the certificate.
5. Have an up to-date DBS certificate with South England Conference, or be on the Update Service.
Hay's Wood Retreat Centre
Setch Road
Blackborough End
King's Lynn
PE32 1SL
Cost: £130.00 (All Inclusive)
9th December 2025 - Registration OPENS (9:00am)
19th January 2025 - Registration CLOSES (10:OOpm)
26th January 2025 - Virtual Induction (10:00am - 12:30pm)
18th May 2025 - Virtual Portfolio Review (10:00am)
21st September 2025 - Possibilities Ministry Virtual Training Part 1 (10:00am - 3:00pm)
26th-28th September - CMT Residential Training & Possibilities Ministry Part 2
- Final Portfolio Submission & Reflection
NB. You MUST attend all sessions to receive your Certification
Club Ministry Training
2025 Enrolment Open
1.- Decide which Course you are eligible for
2.- Read an overview of the Course above
3.- Complete the registration form by 19th Jan.
4.- Pay the fee for the Training.