CMT Counsellor-Instructor Module

Overview of Workshops

Understanding Teaching and Learning Styles | EDUC 002/003
This workshop gives a more in-depth look at the concept of teaching styles introduced in EDUC 001 (taught in Basic Staff Certification). It gives a survey of historical styles and introduces new styles. Strengths and weaknesses of each style are discussed, and participants are encouraged to evaluate their own style of teaching and take the necessary steps to become more effective instructors. It also gives a survey of the learning styles, considers how to best reach a learner, and what not to do. Participants are encouraged to evaluate the learning styles of the children in their club and determine what teaching changes they should make to become more effective in reaching their youth.

Practical Applications for Teaching Investiture Achievement | EDUC 210 
This workshop considers the challenges and opportunities of leading and instructing the Investiture Achievement curriculum. Practical ideas for creative and dynamic instruction focused on active learning will be included. A variety of teaching methods are introduced to encourage instructors to use different techniques.

Teaching Honors | EDUC 230
This workshop will inform students of the intent, value, variety, and exploration potential of teaching honors. It will discuss what to consider when selecting honors for instruction, including integration of honors required by Investiture Achievement levels.

Guidelines for teaching include creating learning activities to complete the honors as well as how to balance integrity of learning with conflicts of time, funding, and safety. Information will be provided on where to find honor requirements and answers.

Pathfinder Club Outreach | PFAD 004
This workshop focuses on how to minister to Pathfinders and how to enable them to minister to others. The Personal Growth, Spiritual Discovery, and Serving Others sections of the Investiture Achievement curricula will be reviewed to gain an overall understanding of how the Pathfinder program intentionally incorporates Pathfinder club outreach. Also, some of the AY honors classified as Spiritual Growth, Outreach, and Heritage will be reviewed as well as techniques for integrating outreach opportunities into all Pathfinder activities.

The Pathfinder Club Organization: The Counselor’s Support Team | PFAD 100
This workshop discusses the proper organization of the  servant  leaders  who  support the ministry of the club counselor. The roles of the club director, associate director, support staff, church board/members, pastor, parents, coordinators, and the local conference will be reviewed as they relate to the counselor’s responsibilities.

The Counselor’s Responsibilities | PFAD 101
This workshop focuses on the duties and responsibilities of the counselor and reviews guidelines that ensure a safe environment that fosters learning and spiritual growth. It outlines the do’s and don’ts of counseling and covers the tasks for meetings, campouts, outreach activities, and all phases of the Pathfinder year.

Developmental Growth | PYSO 104
This workshop describes the mental, spiritual, physical, and social growth and needs of the typical Pathfinder and how to relate to them effectively. It includes practical pointers on leading, nurturing, and discipling them. The objective of this seminar is to enable leaders to help Pathfinders mature in the full stature of Jesus Christ.

Discipling and Discipline | PYSO 121
This workshop will consider the Biblical meanings of discipline and disciple. Christ gave us the perfect example of discipling. It will look at Christ’s methods of evangelism as shared in Scripture and the practical lessons that we can draw from Hismethods and apply to our ministry. It then continues with the concept that disciplining requiresthe heart of Jesus.

The Counselor’s Relationship to the Pathfinder | PYSO 124
This workshop discusses developing a mentoring relationship with your Pathfinders, and what that will mean in terms of teaching them to relate to others and drawing them to Jesus Christ.

Safety and the Counselor | RCSF 120
This workshop focuses on the moral and practical obligations of the counselor to guard the wellbeing of unit members. It includes a review of physical safety issues, supervision policies and rationale, health concerns, transportation issues, abuse prevention and intervention, and accident reporting and response, all primarily from the unit viewpoint rather than the club viewpoint.

Spiritual Applications in Nature | NAOS 120
This workshop will help club leaders encourage Pathfinders to develop a love of nature and for their Creator. It will use the lessons discovered in nature to help Pathfinders with character development and their walk with Jesus.

Teaching Christian Values | EDUC 150
This seminar covers the faith development stages of Pathfinders and gives participants ideas about how to nurture faith at each stage. It identifies the Biblical values upon which the Pathfinder Pledge and Law are based and teaches how to use strategies that model Christian principles to Pathfinders.

Working with Children with Special Needs | EDUC 006
This seminar gives an overview of common types of special needs and promotes communication with parents and caregivers of Pathfinders who have them. It also provides suggestions about how to adapt Pathfinder activities for children with special needs to ensure that all Pathfinders can participate and be successful.

Required Fieldwork
Create a portfolio that contains the handouts and your personal notes from the workshops that you attend.

The Counselor certification requires a portfolio documenting the journey, progress, lessons learned,and completion of requirements.

The portfolio should include a completed certification check sheet and evidence confirming requirement completion. This evidence can come in the form of signed class cards or sign-in sheets, class handoutsand/or photographs of participants leading or involved in, or proof of applicable research and projects completed as required fieldwork.

The purpose of the portfolio is not only to show completion of all the certification requirements, but also to be an authoritative referral source when faced with similar issues in the future.

The physical portfolio would be a three-ring binder or folder in which all materials are kept. However,a fully digital data collection is also acceptable. 

The content is what counts, not the form of that content. It should be well organized and easy to check over. Items should be labeled for easy connection to a specific requirement. The form will vary according to the personality and style of the participant.

Portfolio Review
The purpose of the review is to confirm completion of the requirements. It is not to require conformity to any system requiring specific formats of style of presentation. Portfolios are reviewed to determine if they are complete or incomplete.

An incomplete portfolio will be returned to the participant with a written explanation of what needs to beadded, corrected or complete. Portfolios, whether complete or incomplete, would be returned to the participant in a timely manner.

Review of completed portfolios will be done by an invested Master Guide appointed by the Conference Youth Director or their designee.

Recognition of Completion
Upon completion of the required workshops, the participant is awarded a certificate of completion. is the Official website of the South England Conference Pathfinder Department.
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