CMT Secretary-Treasurer

Overview of Workshops 

Reports, Records and Merit Systems | PFAD140

One of the primary tasks of the club secretary is to keep all kinds of records and reports. This session will explain what these are, how to keep them, and why they are important. The session will also cover conference-required reports and their use. It will present tracking options (online versus paper).

Annual Calendar Development | PFAD 141

It is a challenging task to develop the Pathfinder club yearly calendar. It takes time and effort togather all the planning details and people together to make a plan, but it must be done if your club is going to succeed. Know that your club’s calendar planning is crucial for the success of your club. This workshop will describe the club secretary’s role in the Pathfinder calendar development.

Forms: Health and Medical, Permission, Volunteer and Vehicle Driver | PFAD 142

This workshop will describe the forms a club secretary is responsible for and why they are important.

Introduction to Budgeting | FINA 101

This workshop will focus on the steps to follow to prepare a budget. It will explore income sources and expenses to budget.

Club Finances | FINA 100

This workshop will introduce the basic information needed to keep accurate financial records for your club. This class should be taught in conjunction with FINA 101—Introduction to Budgeting, knowing that the material may intermingle.

Introduction to Fundraising | FINA 110

This workshop presents an introduction to fundraising principles and will address issues regarding why to fundraise and to whom to reach out for funding. The session will explore appropriate and successful ideas clubs have used for fundraising activities, guidelines to consider, and safety concerns.

Practical Communication| CMME 104

The session will address the advantages and disadvantages of public announcements, flyers, posters, email, social media, phone calls, text messages, and face-to-face presentations. Attendees will develop a communication action plan for their own club during the session.

Required Fieldwork

  1. Establish a working relationship with your Pathfinder Director

  2. Read the Pathfinder Administrative Manual.

  3. Create a Portfolio that contains your notes and activities from the workshops and your paperwork for the year.

  4. In areas where there is an official Club Administration software or website, a course should be taken to become acquainted with that tool and to complement this workshop.


The Pathfinder Secretary/Treasurer Certification requires a portfolio documenting the journey, progress, lessons learned, and completion of requirements.

The portfolio should include a completed certification check sheet and evidence confirming requirement completion. This evidence can come in the form of signed class cards or sign-in sheets, class handouts, and/ or photographs of participants involved in, or leading, applicable activities. The evidence will also include proof of applicable research and projects completed as required fieldwork.

The purpose of the portfolio is not  only  to show completion of all the certification requirements, but also to be an authoritative referral source when faced with similar issues in the future.

The physical portfolio can be a three-ring binder or folder in which all materials are kept. However, a fully digital data collection is also acceptable. The content is what counts, not the form of that content. It should be well organized and easy to check over.

Items should be labeled for easy connection to a specific requirement. The form will vary according to the personality and style of the participant.

Portfolio Review

The purpose of the review is to confirm completion of the requirements. It is not to require conformity to any system requiring specific formats or style of presentation. Portfolios are reviewed to  determine  if  they are complete or incomplete. An incomplete portfolio will be returned to the participant with a written  explanation  of  what  needs  to be added, corrected, or completed. Portfolios, whether complete or incomplete, should be returned to the participant in a timely manner.

Review of completed portfolios will be done by an invested Master Guide appointed by the Conference Youth Director or their designee.

Recognition of Completion

Everyone likes to have their efforts recognized. Youth leaders who put in untold hours of prayer, planning, counseling, and training are no exception. Upon completion of the required workshops, the participant is eligible to receive a certificate of completion. is the Official website of the South England Conference Pathfinder Department.
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