TLT Level 1

Level 1 TLT Pathfinder Course pre-requisite:

  1. Be at least 14 years Old
  2. Registered in the Voyager Class
  3. Have completed at least one level of Investiture Achievement and had a club attendance record of at least 80% during the most recent active Pathfinder year.
  4. All new TLTs start at Level 1


Level 1’s will be required to complete a Club Orientation Program covering:

  • Pathfinder objectives and purpose
  • Investiture Achievement
  • Program format
  • Basic club policies including: finances, attendance, enrollment, etc.
  • Leadership style/chain of command
  • Discipline techniques and procedures
  • Club goals
  • Communication channels
  • Expectations

Administrative Operations- Club Planning

Level 1’s will plan:

  1. Their involvement in assisting in the planning of at least 3 club activities that could include, but not limited to:
  • Regular meetings
  • Induction
  • Investiture
  1. Involvement in assisting in the planning and coordinating the yearly and single meeting schedules. This includes times for Investiture Achievement, honour instruction, special events, worships, outings, and camping trips.
  2. To working independently in order to develop the weekly schedule in the Pathfinder meeting place, including weekend schedules on camping trips.

Administrative Operations- Worships

Level 1’s will be involved in:

  1. Developing ideas for worships including themes, topics, guests and activities.
  2. Assist in planning and scheduling worships. Prepare materials, invite speakers, introduce them, and send thank you notes. Be prepared with a backup program if there is a problem.
  3. Coordinating with other TLT's, pathfinders, leaders assigned to teaching and counselling operations to make sure that opportunity is given for Pathfinders to do worships necessary for completion of requirements.

Administrative Operations- Drill & Exercises

Level 1’s will be involved in :

  1. Arranging, scheduling, and facilitating units in conducting opening and closing exercises during meetings and events including the posting of colours
  2. Assisting in teaching basic marching and drilling techniques.
  3. Work independently to develop, train, and schedule the exhibition drill team.

Administrative Operations- On-Site Safety

Level 1’s will be involved in:

Assisting in the planning, scheduling and coordinating of safety personnel and equipment when necessary for the following situations:

  1. Car park, driveway entrances, footpath or forecourt.
  2. Entrances to the building and the Pathfinder meeting areas.
  1. Assisting in the establishing or continuing contact with local emergency and police agencies.
  2. Work independently, to develop a check out system for safety equipment and assist with its storage, upkeep and repair. This may include club flash lights, traffic cones, reflective vests, fire extinguishers, fire buckets, first aid kits, tool boxes, roadside emergency kits, etc.

Activities Operations- Event Planning

The Level 1 TLT will:

  1. Assist in planning:
  • Camping Trips
  • Field Trips
  • Pathfinder Bible Experience Trips (Area, Conference, Union, Division levels)
  • Special events not regularly scheduled by the club
  • Other
  1. Coordinate with Administrative and Teaching Operations to insure events or activities needed have time allocated for Investiture Achievement requirements, and that proper preparations are made. Prepare, mail, and post all necessary promotional materials, a schedule, task assignments, menus, and activities.
  2. Assist in assisting in planning for photography/videography personnel to provide pictures to be used for reporting the event and for promoting your Pathfinder club ministry.

Activities Operations- Logistics

Level 1’s will:

  1. Assist in planning campsite layout and facilitate campsite setup.
  2. Assist in developing a packing list, preparing and packing all general club gear, and unpacking, accounting for, and repairing general club gear upon return from an event.
  3. Work independently to develop and be ready to carry through alternative plans should the event have to be changed for any reason. (i.e., rain, snow, cancellation, etc.)

Activities Operations- Food

The Level 1 TLT will:

  1. Assist in developing a menu and food supplies list for the event. Assist in the purchase of required food items and supplies.
  2. Assist in a unit assignment to kitchen preparation, food preparation, water detail, and wash station.
  3. Develop club guidelines for food safety. Learn about requirements for Basic Food Hygiene Course. Obtain a Food Hygiene certificate.

Activities Operations- Off-Site Safety

Level 1 TLT’s will:

  1. Assist in planning, scheduling, and arranging for adequate and proper safety at departure, on site (including night watch if needed), and at the return point.
  2. Coordinate with the TLT attached to Records Operations to collect and record permission slips, fees or other required paperwork in preparation for departure. Track and tally the group total for clerical and security reasons.
  3. Assist in making arrangements for adequate transportation, including vehicle preparation and reservation, written directions provided to all drivers, and emergency policies and meeting places arranged for and communicated to all parties concerned.

Level Resources will be made available for you at the designated TLT Website